So once again the blog looks a bit strange with so many tweets, and as I was about to embed the linked to pictures, I thought I might as well compile all the words and photos into one post.
So, on Friday we went to Metro to buy a new paddling pool for Tim and Anna. The old one was a series of inflatable rings, which unfortunately had a couple of punctures. The new one is 3 metres in diameter, and made up of poles, joints and a big plastic canvas. It takes around 4400 litres of water to fill up the pool, and the ground it sits upon is not level, so we are hoping that it doesn’t cause problems.
On the Saturday, which was Irina’s Dad’s birthday, the pool was set up, and filled up. Tim, Anna and Irina all seemed to enjoy their time in it. After I had gone over to Interhouse’s office to teach a couple of English lessons, I returned to Chubary and joined the family and friends that had since arrived to start the birthday celebrations.
June 26, 2012 5:12 pm